قائمة كبيرة لمواقع الديب ويب Deep web أو الأنترنيت المظلم

medo elshabh 1 تعليق 8:23:00 م
لمستعملي شبكة التور ومتصفحي الديب ويب هذه قائمة بأشهر المواقع وأكثرها زيارة على الديب ويب:

منتديات مواقع دردشة, محركات بحث,ويكيبديا ومواقع ترفيهية

ويكي المخفية http://zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
ويكي مخفي غير الخاضعة للرقابة
Vault 43 (useful) http://vault43z5vxy3vn3.onion/
Imperial Library of TOR http://xfmro77i3lixucja.onion/
Yet another tor directory http://bdpuqvsqmphctrcs.onion/
Grams (search) http://grams7enufi7jmdl.onion/
The Hub (forum) http://thehub7dnl5nmcz5.onion/
Agora Forum http://lacbzxobeprssrfx.onion/
Onion soup (links n stuff) http://soupksx6vqh3ydda.onion/
TORUM (forum) http://torum4kqr55yqui6.onion/
Overchan (alittle of everything it seems) http://oniichanylo2tsi4.onion/
TORCH (search) http://xmh57jrzrnw6insl.onion/
French IRC Tor http://fitwebwmjekqsyrw.onion/
TORsearch http://kbhpodhnfxl3clb4.onion/
Yacy (search) http://yacy2tp5a2dhywmx.onion/
OnionDir (links) http://dirnxxdraygbifgc.onion/
Burnout (links) http://burnoutxf6o2yvsw.onion/
TOR Hidden Service (search) http://msydqstlz2kzerdg.onion/search/
Q&A(like yahoo answers) http://pequ3i77q5l4w4sw.onion/
Benji’s Blog http://sonntag6ej43fv2d.onion/en
Secret Stash (blog) http://dn4hcr3qhlpaiygr.onion/
Cruel Onion forum (forum for “bad* things) http://cruel2ijkqggizy5.onion/forum/
The Plague (links and things) http://zseijor556d5t4yf.onion/
Dark News (forum) http://xhb4vpn4a67sug7t.onion/
Spreadit (looks alittle like reddit) http://jdl3nf2hr3ehzyoc.onion/
Wizardry & Steamwork (search) http://kaarvixjxfdy2wv2.onion/
Myles Braithwaite http://gvvsa367g2zkzjj3.onion/
TOR links http://torlinkbgs6aabns.onion/
Nudist Paradise (site for nudists) http://qvchmzewlf4efhcw.onion/
DeepWeb Ministries (religios site) http://hxnibog5m2ocjeef.onion/
SIN Strategic INtelligence Network (be prepared for any situation) http://4iahqcjrtmxwofr6.onion/
Add any link (links) http://vizpz65utiopch7t.onion/
Shadow Life (news) http://shadow7jnzxjkvpz.onion/
Usenet file search http://wbyi72yt6gitdcqd.onion/
Liberty blog (free blogs) http://crylibertytwta4s.onion/
Intel Exchange (forum) http://rrcc5uuudhh4oz3c.onion/
GUROChan (message board) http://gurochanocizhuhg.onion/
Maxima Culpa (virtual confessions) http://nsmgu2mglfj7za6s.onion/
Onion DIR (links) http://chl7b5p6rr64po3s.onion/
Leonhard Weese (personal blog) http://liongrasr5uy5roo.onion/
YHIMA (links) http://ogbinmlotgjwgkeo.onion/
Sanctioned Suicide (forum) http://suicideocymrgxq7.onion/
anon confessions http://confessx3gx46lwg.onion/
OnionNet (links news etc) http://ubbchzof2pxs4swi.onion/
Surveilance Law http://7vrl523532rjjznj.onion/
BLue Onion (books) http://blue3237xytrz5rk.onion/blueonion/
The Hidden Forum http://ewd5a7hnvc4necnf.onion/index.php
SImple Store http://dharyyzdhok5eudi.onion/store/
Bad Ideas Forum http://7x5rg44gkhtovwjt.onion/forum/index.php
FUD (discussion board) http://bssjumzkbj3vlhiy.onion/
Hidden links http://hidhost5gk6w7ahf.onion/hidlinks/links.php
Facebook on tor? https://facebookcorewwwi.onion/
FBI Chan http://fbichanc6yfagl4l.onion/
Readers Club http://c3jemx2ube5v5zpg.onion/
Weblog http://6e3i6bqjgnmtn3fu.onion/

مواقع تسوق إلكتروني وبعض الشركات

EasyCoin – Bitcoin Wallet with free Bitcoin Mixer. http://easycoinsayj7p5l.onion/
WeBuyBitcoins – Sell your Bitcoins for Cash, PP and more. http://jzn5w5pac26sqef4.onion/
OnionWallet – Anonymous Bitcoin Wallet and Bitcoin Laundry. http://ow24et3tetp6tvmk.onion/
EuCanna – ‘First Class Cannabis Healthcare’ http://rso4hutlefirefqp.onion/
Peoples Drug Store – The Darkweb’s Best Drug Supplier! http://newpdsuslmzqazvr.onion/
Smokeables – Finest Organic Cannabis shipped from the USA. http://smoker32pk4qt3mx.onion/
CannabisUK – UK Wholesale Cannabis Supplier. http://fzqnrlcvhkgbdwx5.onion/
DeDope – German Weed and Hash shop. (Bitcoin) http://kbvbh4kdddiha2ht.onion/
BitPharma – EU vendor for cocaine, speed, mdma, psychedelics. http://s5q54hfww56ov2xc.onion/
Brainmagic – Best psychedelics on the darknet. http://ll6lardicrvrljvq.onion/
NLGrowers – Coffee Shop grade Cannabis from the netherlands. http://25ffhnaechrbzwf3.onion/
Kamagra for Bitcoin – Same as Viagra but cheaper! http://k4btcoezc5tlxyaf.onion/
Mobile Store – unlocked iphones and other smartphones. http://mobil7rab6nuf7vx.onion/
UK Guns and Ammo – Selling Guns and Ammo from the UK. http://tuu66yxvrnn3of7l.onion/
Rent-A-Hacker – Hacking, DDOS, Social Engeneering etc. http://2ogmrlfzdthnwkez.onion/
Onion Identity Services – Selling Passports and ID-Cards. http://abbujjh5vqtq77wg.onion/
HQER – High quality euro bills replicas / counterfeits. http://y3fpieiezy2sin4a.onion/
USD Counterfeits – High quality USD counterfeits. http://qkj4drtgvpm7eecl.onion/
USA Citizenship – Get a real USA passport. http://xfnwyig7olypdq5r.onion/
Apples4Bitcoin – Cheap Apple products for Bitcoin. http://tfwdi3izigxllure.onion/
ccPal – CCs, CVV2s, Ebay, Paypals and more. http://3dbr5t4pygahedms.onion/
EuroGuns – Your #1 european arms dealer. http://2kka4f23pcxgqkpv.onion/
UK Passports – Original UK Passports. http://vfqnd6mieccqyiit.onion/
USfakeIDs – High quality USA Fake Drivers Licenses. http://en35tuzqmn4lofbk.onion/

مواقع متخصصة في مجال المعلوميات والإختراق

MacLemon (security, news, links) http://fzybdgczph7xfdnr.onion/
TOR Status – Tor network status http://jlve2y45zacpbz6s.onion/
TorPGP public key server http://torpgp3ujaysucll.onion/
Altera Praxis (not sure what this is tbh) http://ncivdawfxihoh7sj.onion/about.html
keybase (some sort of hacker/stalker tool idk) http://fncuwbiisyh6ak3i.onion/
Tor Web Devolper (for hire) http://qizriixqwmeq4p5b.onion/
Web Programmer (for hire) http://kobrabd77ppgjd2r.onion/
Ozy’s Hacking Service (hacker for hire) http://ozy7mnciacbc5idc.onion/
Pioopioo’s Services (hacker for hire) http://rowtogxp2akwem6n.onion/
Hacker place http://hackerw6dcplg3ej.onion/
Parazite (anarchy info mainly) http://kpynyvym6xqi7wz2.onion/
DNS support forum http://mj6vjwhtyahcj6fx.onion/
BitMessage mail gateway http://bitmailendavkbec.onion/
Keys Open Doors http://wdnqg3ehh3hvalpe.onion/
Hidden Service howto http://nfokjgfj3hxs4nwu.onion/
JRAT (java remote administration tool) http://jratoc334zo7zgis.onion/
FILTH (fuck i love to hack) http://om2ak3coziov3dbc.onion/forum/index.php
Onion Domains & MD5sums http://xlmvhk3rpdux26dz.onion/
Soylent News http://skgmctqnhyvfava3.onion/
Bluish Coder http://mh7mkfvezts5j6yu.onion/
Cable Viewer (idk what this is but its techy) http://leakager742hufco.onion/
Xerbot http://xfthw4bq7lx2y726.onion/
Hack Canada http://hackcanl2o4lvmnv.onion/
Imperial anarchist despotism http://rgeo5wj7gneidzh3.onion/
Directory Listing Denied (anon web ftp) http://wtutoxfznz45gf6c.onion/
Anarplex (some kind of computer anarchy) http://y5fmhyqdr6r7ddws.onion/
GhostDeveloper (freelance programmer) http://develggxuazrcokn.onion/
SKS Onion key server http://lbnugoq5na3mzkgv.onion/index.html
GNUPG http://ic6au7wa3f6naxjq.onion/
Cat facts http://2v7ibl5u4pbemwiz.onion/
Chess (game) http://theches3nacocgsc.onion/
Necro town (links n stuff) http://nekrooxwwskakacj.onion/
Encryption Password Generator http://pwgenmwi7eqsys76.onion/ jabber http://yz6yiv2hxyagvwy6.onion/
M5S leaks http://33pvcdba2nm3afnj.onion/
A cgi proxy http://x5yd2gfthlfgdqjg.onion/
FIT French IRC TOR http://fit2v7z4plpfyh2h.onion/
The Linux Documentation Project http://3c2rvufmbcggnqi6.onion/
Crypto Party http://cpartywvpihlabsy.onion/
Hive Archives http://thehivemwon6a5mp.onion/
txtorcon (python contril library for tor) http://timaq4ygg2iegci7.onion/
Rhodium (science stuff) http://rhodiumio4b7b4rm.onion/
Hackerspace Prague http://pmwdzvbyvnmwobk5.onion/

مواقع سياسية ,مواقع إخبارية,وشبكات إجتماعية

Youth Rage forum http://neyigf7eragkp5nq.onion/forum/
Associated Whistleblowers http://w6csjytbrl273che.onion/#/
Community X recruitment http://gp5tycij54ri7xcz.onion/
Code Green (ethical hacktivism) http://pyl7a4ccwgpxm6rd.onion/
Infodio Leaks http://ymi7h25hgp3bj63v.onion/#/
Wiki Leaks http://zbnnr7qzaxlk5tms.onion/
Zwitterion’s Domain http://3il6wiev2pnk7dat.onion/
Secure wildlife whistle blowing http://ppdz5djzpo3w5k2z.onion/#/
Freedom of the press foundation http://freepress3xxs3hk.onion/
the loli advocacy server http://lolikaastbgo5dtk.onion/
Global Leaks http://h73hx2munq7q465s.onion/#/
Tactical Technology http://hrkdpwrkh3lbow2l.onion/
Fund the islamic struggle http://teir4baj5mpvkg5n.onion/
Internet Governance Transparency http://k52lcjc5fws3jbqf.onion/
We fight censorship http://3kyl4i7bfdgwelmf.onion/
Anon Insiders http://imtrjn3qe2tzh5ae.onion/
Map Mos Maiorum (refugee help) http://iuektur6bicvfwcq.onion/ushahidi/
wiki leaks http://jwgkxry7xjeaeg5d.onion/

مواقع الأمن والحماية والتخفي على الأنترنيت

Anonet wiki http://xz2rtmpjjwvdw44p.onion/
Secure Messaging http://sms4tor3vcr2geip.onion/
MailTor http://mailtoralnhyol5v.onion/src/login.php
Lelantos email http://lelantoss7bcnwbv.onion/
Onion Mail http://p6x47b547s2fkmj3.onion/
JitJat (messaging) http://jitjatxmemcaaadp.onion/login.php
TOR PasteBin http://postits4tga4cqts.onion/
RetroShare chat server http://chat7zlxojqcf3nv.onion/
ProtectTOR55 http://protector55z5s7j.onion/
Zerobin http://zerobinqmdqd236y.onion/
TOR chat roulette http://tetatl6umgbmtv27.onion/
SIGAINT (email) http://sigaintevyh2rzvw.onion/
Offshore mail server http://inocncymyac2mufx.onion/
web/irc chat thing http://6ejbuiwnp77gu67h.onion/
FreeFor (chat) http://tns7i5gucaaussz4.onion/
Volatile (chat n stuff) http://vola7ileiax4ueow.onion/

مواقع الإستضافات وتحميل الملفات

Onionweb File Hosting (100mb limit) http://3fnhfsfc2bpzdste.onion/
Hidden Hosting http://7zzohostingx4mes.onion/
Free Hosting links http://a5ok374pjcq7bsyp.onion/
Darknet services http://darknet4x3hcv5zp.onion/
Infernet Dark Hosting http://a5ok374pjcq7bsyp.onion/
IMG.BI (image hosting) http://imgbifwwqoixh7te.onion/
Secure Drop http://v6gdwmm7ed4oifvd.onion/
CYRUSERV http://cyruservvvklto2l.onion/
Free TOR Hosting http://zuxtem3jcv2fvmgk.onion/
Home Hosting (how to) http://dmru36nvfgtywx47.onion/
Real Hosting http://hosting6iar5zo7c.onion/
TorSafe (file hosting) http://torsafeiwttlkul6.onion/accounts/login/
Real Hosting http://ezuwnhj5j6mtk4xr.onion/
TOR VPS http://torvps7kzis5ujfz.onion/index.php/TorVPS
Kowloon (hosting) http://kowloon5aibdbege.onion/
Onion Pastebin http://pastetorziarobi7.onion/
Popfiles (file hosting) http://popfilesxuru7lsr.onion/
Hidden Hosting http://offshore6gq7ykr7.onion/
Darknet Solutions (hosting and design) http://darknet47je5xwm6.onion/
Onion uploader (file hosting up to 100mb) http://nk3k2rsitogzvk2a.onion/
Media, music, movies, art, cartoons, comics etc*
Skeletor.bit http://okzatvfk2jzgvmf4.onion/
Yay Ponies http://ponieslzi3ivbynd.onion/
HFS (music) http://wuvdsbmbwyjzsgei.onion/
Sea Kitten Palace (torrents) http://wtwfzc6ty2s6x4po.onion/
Manga http://negimarxzov6ca4c.onion/
Comics http://7etxnv26hro7mmuu.onion/
Deep Tune (music) http://tune4xs6mj2evcr6.onion/
TorFlix (movies) http://jl4m7ubpotnu2yos.onion/
No name, not sure if its music or speak but its mp3’s http://xf3fjq4b7j6pswuq.onion/
Gone Things (printable images) http://32ixi6myw3things.onion/
ORVoice (music) http://orvoicemur72h7rx.onion/TOR/
Index of (music) http://uuxrei5or65anucg.onion/
My little pony http://mlpfimf74svi6y4q.onion/s01/
The audiobook vault http://xmctuxj7dsymumwf.onion/

1 التعليقات لــ "قائمة كبيرة لمواقع الديب ويب Deep web أو الأنترنيت المظلم"

عالم الجريمة المظلم .. الديب ويب
الديب ويب أهم ما فيه أنه لا يمكن متابعة ما يحدث بداخله .. ويستخدم في وقت كثير جدًا من الإرهاب أو ما يعرف بتنظيم الدولة الإسلامية داعش في التواصل بين أعضائها وبين بعضهم البعض .. فيوجد في هذا العالم الكثير من مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي مثل موقع الكبير فيس بوك .. وتباع وتشتري فيه كل شئ .. مباح أو غيره ومن الأشياء التي أثرت في العالم هو أنه لا يمكن متابعة ما يحدث بداخله أو تتبع أحد أشخاصه فقام الأف بي أي في وقت ما بمحاولة التجسس عليه ولكن تم اختراق وكالة الـ fbi وتم تسريب معلومات للرئيس الأسبق للولايات المتحدة الأمريكية جورج بوشماهو-الديب-ويب؟-عالمُ-الجريمةِ-المُظل/
